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What is a Dividend?

Definition: A dividend is a payment made by a corporation to its shareholders that represents a portion of the firm’s profits. Commonly, dividends are paid quarterly.

What is a dividend?

If you are going to invest in the stock market you have two ways to earn money: wait until the price of your stocks rises and then sell them or just draw dividends. Nevertheless, dividends are not compulsory to pay by companies – in some cases firms can reinvest this income depending on their investing or financial plans. So, dividends are usually paid by stable businesses rather than by market newcomers.

How do dividends work?

Dividends are like the direct shareholders’ bonus paid by the company most likely in cash. They are also the mostly common way to receive income for investors. Being a shareholder makes you a part of the business so you can get a percent of the company’s revenue.

However, the process of paying dividends should be approved by the board of directors. It consists of company advisors who act in stockholders’ stead. The time limits of dividend payment are managed by the firm’s leaders while the board of directors makes the final decision of whether it happens or not.

If the board of directors gives the nod to paying the dividends then every stockholder is able to receive them. Generally, your shares in fact are owned by the broker or brokerage company (as the Grid Capital) you hired, so they firstly get the dividends and then transfer them to your account.

How do companies pay dividends?

Age matters. Newly opened companies have different priorities that’s why they spend money not the same as older ones. Well-qualified firms are more likely to pay dividends whereas young companies refuse this action because they may still be only at the beginning of the gathering race.

Growth stocks: When businesses have chances for expansion, it could make more sense for them to reinvest their profits rather than pay out dividends to shareholders. For instance, a corporation may decide to invest in recruiting additional salesmen rather than paying a dividend to shareholders if its immediate objective is to promote a new innovative software application to new customers.

Mature stocks: Investing in more expansion is less likely when a company has scaled and its days of explosive growth are in the past. These companies are more inclined to reward shareholders with dividends.

Regardless of the company’s age or size, its executives must choose between paying dividends, investing in growth, and paying off debt in order to maximize shareholder value.‍

Record days

Companies that pay cash dividends often do so every quarter or just once for special payouts. Do you want to get the dividend? Check to see if you were a shareholder on the proper occasion — the record date. The important timetable is as follows:

Date of Declaration is a declaration of the amount, record date, and payment date of a dividend made by the board of directors of the firm.

Ex-Dividend Date: Make a note of this day on your calendar. You won’t get the dividend if you haven’t purchased the stock by this time. You’ll have to hold until till the following dividend is announced.

The Record Date is the date on which you must be a shareholder in order to receive the declared dividend. There is usually a delay between placing your order to buy a stock and becoming an official shareholder (it typically takes two days).

Payment Date: The date on which a dividend will be distributed to eligible shareholders (i.e., registered shareholders on the Record Date). The money could appear as cash in your account or be reinvested in the company that issued the dividend, depending on the instructions you left with your brokerage account.

Dividend income

‍The percentage of the share price that is paid out in dividends each year is known as the dividend yield. Because both indicate the amount of cash income investors receive in relation to the price of their investment, this metric is sometimes compared to the coupon rate of a bond.

More cautious stock investors tend to be drawn to companies with greater dividend yields. Stocks having a lower dividend yield or no dividend yield are either unprofitable or could be investing in possibilities in the future. These may provide distinct investing opportunities than dividend-paying equities because they are typically labeled as growth stocks.

What is an Income Statement(P&L)?


An income statement is an essential financial document for any business. Income statement provides clear data about the company’s revenue and loss over a period of time.

What is an income statement?

An income statement is a kind of a report which shows if a company has any profit, income or meets a loss during a period. That’s why another name of this statement is a profit-and-loss (P&L) statement (someones call it an earnings statement). It reflects the company’s earrings if there were some sellings of goods or services, financial charges on running the business and remaining profit.

The P&L is not the only one statement to show financial items of the company. There are also statement of retained earnings, balance sheet and cash flow statement.

Income statement may cover different periods. Mostly used is a year-end income statement which gives information about the latest operating year of the company. However, many businesses may also make income statements on a monthly, quarterly or semi-annual basis.

An example

The P&L statements usually cover at least two periods to compare a company’s financial dynamics. For instance, a fictitious company Jone’s cupcakes makes an income statement covering January 1 to December 31, 2022. It also will include the statements for the previous year – January 1 to December 31, 2021 in addition to 2022.

The main parts of an income statement

Here you can find the key items of an income statement:

Revenue (aka sales) – is the money a business earned from selling goods or services during the period. The revenue includes only money received from primary operations of the company.

Cost of goods sold/cost of sales – the first one is connected with manufacturing companies whereas the second one relies on retailers and wholesalers – is the direct costs of obtaining or producing the company’s products and/or selling its services. It ordinarily includes raw materials and hired labor costs.

Gross profit – (is also named as gross margin or contribution margin) is revenue with the exception of cost of goods sold or cost of sales. It is commonly used to count the gross profit margin. This index is like a sign of a business’ performance.

Operating expenses – (or SG&A) are the indirect costs of managing the business. They consist of marketing, advertising, utilities, rent, insurance, employee benefits etc.

Operating income – is the gross profit and operating expenses difference.

Non-operating items – are profits and inputs from non-primary activities like interest, dividends or one-time items.

How to analyze an income statement?

There are different ways of analyzing an income statement:

  • Bottom line – First you need to analyze the net income which shows if the company makes a profit and what is the dynamic of the profit from year to year. Calculating and comparing the net profit margin is also allowable.
  • Vertical analysis – Calculate as a portion of income every line points beginning from the cost of goods sold or cost of sales. This way you can find the effect of different expenses on your income and identify the direction of improvement.
  • Time series analysis – Is based on comparing each index with previous years both in raw dollar terms. Is the right way to understand reasons for your income changes and also find the direction of improvement.

The uses of an income statement

Income statement is an essential financial document for running any business and working with investors and other partners.

1. It is necessary for strategic planning, calculating future expenses. Interim and annual p&l statements can show you if the business is running well through the year and at year-end, make out falling areas and compare your financial situation with budgets and projections.

2. t is also used by lenders, investors and other partners with your financial statements to understand if the business is profitable.

3. Annual tax filings assessment is also based on P&L statements.

What is Equity?


Equity is a part of a business or other assed, owned by its investors. Equity is calculated by deducting any outstanding obligations, such as taxes or bills,  from the asset’s overall worth.

Equity appears on most companies’ balance sheets and is used to assess their condition. It can be divided among multiple owners, just as large corporations frequently have many shareholders.

Equity is like a pizza you have bought with a friend. You don’t own the entire pizza, and you’re only allowed to eat a portion of it equal to the percentage of the pizza you paid for. Similarly, ownership in a company or other asset is determined by the percentage paid for. Subtracting the company’s liabilities from its assets and then multiplying by the person’s ownership percentage yields the dollar value of their equity.

Calculating equity

To calculate a company’s total ownership equity, use the following formula: owner’s equity = assets – liabilities.

If a company has more than one owner, the value of each person’s ownership stake can be calculated by identifying the total equity in the company and then multiplying it by the percentage of the company that each owner owns. Assume a fictitious company called Anna’s Burger has $1 million in assets, $0.5 million in liabilities, and five owners with equal shares. A single owner’s equity in the company would be equal to ($1M-$0.5M) * 20%, or $100,000.

Types of equity

– Common stock is a type of stock that typically includes voting rights, which allow shareholders to vote on important business decisions. It may also pay dividends if the company performs well.

– Preferred stock frequently lacks voting rights but has other advantages that make it more desirable than common stock. In contrast to the variable, lower price paid to common stockholders, companies pay fixed dividends to preferred shareholders. Preferred shareholders also have first dibs on dividends.

– Private equity refers to investments in non-publicly traded companies.

– The funds raised by issuing shares at a price above par value are known as contributed surplus. The face value of each stock is determined by the corporate charter of the company and is known as par value. The corporation guarantees not to issue any shares below the par value price by fixing it. Par value is frequently listed quite low because of this.

– Retained earnings are a company’s profits after any dividends or other payments to investors have been deducted. The business uses this money to finance capital investments, R&D, marketing, or even acquisitions in order to fuel its growth.

– Treasury stock is stock that a business has sold and then bought back. The total number of outstanding shares on the market is decreased by these repurchases. Treasury stock lowers shareholders’ equity because these equities are no longer owned by shareholders.

– Home equity is the portion of the property’s value that the owner personally owns. It can be estimated by deducting the total value of the house from the outstanding loans.

The working process of equity financing

A corporation has a number of choices if it needs to raise capital. Equity finance, or the sale of firm shares, is one of them.

Before they grow to be large enough to perform an IPO and sell their shares on the stock market, many businesses rely on private funding. The money obtained via the founders’ sale of a portion of their business in order to raise money is known as private equity.

Yes, the business owner must sell a portion of the property, but he can use the proceeds to grow the enterprise.

The difference between stocks and equity

Stock is one variety of equity. Because of this, not all equity is stocks; rather, not all stocks are equity.

An investor-owned stake in a business is referred to as equity. Stock shares, which are traded on the stock market, are the most popular kind of equity. Stock is the full ownership of a company. Each share of stock, which is divided into multiple pieces, has an equal stake in the company. However, as was said earlier, a company’s equity can also comprise different things like retained earnings and business equity.

Why is investing in equities profitable?

Equities have dangers like other investments do, but because of their advantages, many investors find them to be particularly alluring.

One is that the value of stocks may increase with time. Businesses that are run effectively typically grow more profitable over time. You could profit from the sale if you were to buy in one and then sell your shares years later.

Additionally, dividends from your investment may allow you to profit. Businesses that are successful distribute a percentage of their income to their shareholders. This implies that you might get a portion of your money back each quarter. By doing so, a profit could be made without having to sell the initial shares.

What is Real Estate?

Real estate consists of land, constructions built on that land, and also its natural resources, including minerals and crops.

What is Real Estate?

Real estate consists of land and anything that is permanently affixed to it, including residences, structures, and storage facilities. The residential, commercial, industrial, and vacant land segments of the real estate market are separated. Real estate investments can be made directly by purchasing real estate, such as a house, apartment complex, retail space, or open field, as well as through REITs, real estate mutual funds, real estate exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and real estate investment trusts (REITs). Real estate investing offers advantages and disadvantages.


When a young man decides to buy his first house, it is itself and the land it sits on – are residential estate. Then he decides to open a donut shop. When he buys a store, he gets commercial real estate. Two years later, he decides to open a donut factory – it is industrial real estate, including the land of the factory.

Beginning a business is similar to investing in real estate. Both call for financial and time commitments. They are probably going to appreciate in value if you invest the right resources in them. But if you ignore them, they can disintegrate. Additionally, outside variables like the economy might have an impact on their worth in both situations.

Types of real estate

Real estate can be divided into four major categories:

  1. Residential

Residential real estate includes homes for single people and small families. Residential real estate can be purchased to generate rental revenue. Residential real estate includes single-family homes, townhomes, holiday properties, etc.

 2. Commercial

Commercial real estate comprises office buildings, hotels, shopping centers and so on. Compared to residential real estate, leases are often shorter and down payments are bigger. Commercial real estate frequently has a higher value than residential real estate. They are typically also more regulated.

  3. Industrial real estate is used for manufacturing processes (factory, warehouse).

  4. Vacant land includes empty land, unoccupied parcels and reclaimed sites.

The working process of real estate industry

The properties that are up for sale in a particular location make up the real estate market. Only residential properties are included in the housing market, a subsection of the real estate industry. Property values may increase (or decrease) as a result of economic factors in a market.

There are various segments of the real estate market:

  • Property management firms assist landlords in finding tenants for their properties. They manage tenants, show apartments, take care of repairs, and collect rent.
  • Development: To create a finished product that can be sold or leased to end users, real estate developers must purchase undeveloped land, rezone it, build it, and restore it. By making enhancements to real estate, developers earn.
  • Lending: Lenders of real estate, such banks and governmental organisations, are crucial. In fact, the majority of builders and developers use debt to finance their operations.
  • Sales and marketing: These businesses work with property developers to market and sell their apartments through brokers. In addition, they produce marketing materials and are paid a commission.
  • Professional services: The real estate sector is maintained by professionals, such as designers, lawyers.
  • Brokerage: brokerage firms hire real estate agents to work on transactions between the seller and the buyer.

Investing in real estate

Real estate investing can be done in a variety of ways. Here are a few typical instances:

– Direct investment in real estate

– Real estate investment trusts (REITs)

– Real estate mutual funds

– Real estate ETFs

– Real estate investment groups

Direct investment: Purchasing real estate or an interest in one constitutes a direct investment. The most typical direct real estate investment in the United States is homeownership. An additional direct investment is a rental property. When you purchase an investment property, your goals are to sell it for more money than you paid for it or to generate income through rent.

A real estate investment trust (REIT) pools the funds of numerous investors to purchase and manage real properties. A REIT operates similarly to a mutual fund. It enables small investors to own a portion of the revenue generated by real estate assets, including retail spaces or storage facilities. Retail REITs, residential REITs, and industrial REITs are a few examples of specialised REITs in which you might invest. Since you may buy and sell REITs on major markets like stocks, they are relatively liquid investments. A REIT is required by law to distribute to investors at least 90% of its net income. Investments are risky by nature.

Mutual funds that specialize in investing in assets sold by publicly traded real estate corporations are known as real estate mutual funds.

ETFs that invest in real estate provide extensive exposure to the industry. Exchange-traded funds can be used to invest in REITs, real estate service providers, and real estate development companies (ETFs). Investments are risky by nature.

Members of real estate investment groups pool their funds to purchase rental properties. In exchange for a portion of the monthly fee, the business managing the group oversees the apartments.

The most obvious advantages of investing in real estate are leverage and a consistent stream of income from rent payments. However, there are some drawbacks, including the high risk of being a landlord and the fact that properties are not liquid (if you need to sell quickly, you may have to sell for less than the property’s value).

What is a Balance Sheet?


A balance sheet is an important financial statement that a company makes. This report provides its financial situation: the presence of assets liabilities and equity.

For clarity, it is necessary to imagine the scales. Then, the balance sheet can be expressed as a financial equation that is in perfect equilibrium at any time. Balance sheet is one of the most common financial statements. It shows the amount of all assets a company owns and equates it to the amount of their liabilities (long-term debts, bills, loans) as well as the shareholders’ equity.

This form of reporting is actively used by analysts and investors to examine information about the company, its funding sources, growth support and ordinary operations. The sum of assets in balance sheet always equals the sum of liabilities and equity of the company.

An asset is something a company possesses and that has worth, either in the form of cash or value, needed to operate the business.

A liability, which can be long-term or short-term, is the debt the company owes to third parties.

Where to read a Balance Sheet?

The regulator requires public companies to fill out financial statements and updates once a quarter and keep them publicly available. Balance sheets, as mentioned earlier, are one type of these financial statements. You can find them in quarter reports that are published on the company’s website.

Private companies are not required to reveal their financial position and usually do so only to a limited circle of people (the board of directors, the largest shareholders).

Balance sheets usually list assets and liabilities in order of how easily they can be converted into cash, which means how ‘liquid’ they are on financial jargon.

How to analyze balance sheets?

For example, you can plot the debt-to-equity ratio, this helps figure out the potential value of the stock if the company closes, sells its assets, or pays its debts.

Using the ratio method:

– Activity ratios. These focus on current accounts and show how efficiently a company generates income using its own cash and resources: inventory, accounts payable and accounts receivable.

– Financial Strength Ratios. These ratios show the stability of a company in meeting its obligations (like payments to creditors). They can also be used to see how the company finances its operations; how easily it can meet its short-term obligations with available working (short-term) cash.

Why are balance sheets useful?

Balance sheets can provide key information about how a company covers its expenses and how efficiently it operates. They can help investors understand a company’s situation and state of affairs relatively quickly, and they are also useful for creditors.

Disadvantages of balance sheets

– Historical limitations. Balance sheets provide information and reflect financial events that have already passed, But, of course, this type of reporting can help predict the future trajectory of the company.

– A limited list of assets. The balance sheet accounts consider only those assets that are acquired by the company as a result of transactions. Goodwill in the balance sheet is intangible assets (technology, patents, brand). However, it is quite difficult to quantify them.

– Assets valuation rules. Long-term assets, such as land or real estate, in the balance sheet are equal to the transaction price less accumulated depreciation. On the balance sheet, this is reported as an expense during a financial period, such as a year, over the period of use of that asset. For example, depreciation expense on a $10,000 smoothie machine with a 10-year best before date might look like a company expense of $1,000 each year for 10 years, even though the market value of the property or land has increased over time. As a result, the market value of the company’s land and buildings may be very different from what is reflected in the balance sheet equation. This is taken into account when assets are sold, and they are referred to as ‘gain or loss on sale of assets.

What is a Security?


A security is a financial instrument like stocks or bonds, that has monetary value and indicates ownership in or money loaned to a business, government, or nonprofit organization. The owner of a security has a risk of losing money.

What it is?

A security is a general term for a type of investment that can be divided into two categories: equity (a stock) and debt (a bond). A security is one you’ve traded in, such as a stock. The Securities and Exchange Commission oversees the trading of publicly traded securities and the disclosure of information about them by the firms that issued the securities.

Shares of common stock are an illustration of an equity security that a private business may distribute publicly for the first time as it becomes registered on the public market.

There is a wide range of securities: stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs, but there is a chance they won’t increase in value. They represent some of the most popular short- and long-term investments made on public marketplaces. They are also made available by both businesses and governments so that they can raise money  to finance their activities.

Types of securities

  • Equity Securities(consider stocks). Ownership rights are included with equity securities. This indicates that a piece of the original entity is owned by the shareholder. However, the privileges that come with stock ownership have restrictions. Based on the company’s performance and the level of their ownership, equity investors don’t always get regular payments (known as dividends) from a corporation. Equity owners, however, would be able to make money from their investment in the form of capital gains, which happen when an investor sells a security for more money than they paid for it initially.

  • Debt securities. This category of security comprises cash borrowed from the investor and subject to strict terms of repayment. Bonds and certificates of deposit (CDs) are two popular types of debt securities. Regardless of how the company that produced the security performs, the owner of the asset frequently receives a regular interest payment. Typically, debt securities are issued for a set period of time, after which the issuer has the option to reclaim them.

A third, less popular kind of securities is known as hybrid securities, which typically combine elements of both equity and debt instruments. A bright example is an  equity warrant (option that a business issues to allow shareholders to buy stock within a certain time).

Securities can be beneficial for companies, municipalities, and governments to raise new capital used to achieve a particular goal. There are several ways companies can raise this money. One is going public, which allows companies to sell shares on the open market in IPO. In the meantime, county or state governments can raise funds for projects by issuing municipal bonds.

Places for security trading

Depending on whether the company is public or private, securities are traded in different places. On stock exchanges, publicly traded securities, such as shares of a public company, are traded on the secondary market. If the shares are not mentioned on one of the major stock exchanges, they can be traded directly among sides on special “over the counter” markets.

Private companies’ securities are typically more complicated as they are not available on public markets. In order to purchase or sell a security in a private company, an investor may need to transfer assets directly back to the company or to qualified investors.

Who regulates securities?

The Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, regulates publicly traded securities in the United States. It is an autonomous government agency tasked with protecting investors and ensuring the smooth operation of trading markets. The SEC also controls all initial public offerings (IPOs) in the United States.

The SEC now works to increase market transparency by obtaining, examining, and sharing market-related data with the public. Its main goal is to protect consumers.

What is the Stock Market?


The Stock Market is the place of meeting sellers and buyers with quite a simple purpose – to trade company shares.

What is a Stock Market?

Stocks can be bought or sold on stock markets where sellers and buyers of public companies meet together. Stock markets work as well as auctions: potential buyers offer the highest price they are able to pay (“the bid”), and potential sellers offer the lowest price they are able to sell (“the ask”). The real price will be between the buyer’s offer and the seller’s offer.

Stockbrokers can provide trades and act in portfolio managers’ or individual investors’ (as you are) stead. In the USA the most famous between 13 stock exchanges are the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq.

Stock Markets are diverse, but combined with the same concept. The primary goal of every stock market is to connect sellers and buyers, who trade according to a concerted list of rules.

The main functions of the Stock Market

The Stock Market is a place where the public can get access to the shares of public companies. There is a similarity between the stock market and a farmer’s market: buyers and sellers in both types of market gather in one place to swap things.

However, the stock market has rapidly changing prices, so it can be considered as a more complex and orderly one.

There are three key activities that you can find in the stock market:

– Shares buying: Ordinary retail investors can buy shares of companies as well as experienced institutional ones.

Stock Selling: Every stock trade needs to have a buyer and a seller.

Share Issue: When a private company wants to get money, it can sell pieces of its property on the stock market. This is called Initial Public Offering (“IPO”). But in cases when a public company wants to get money, it can make it on the secondary public offering. After the shares are issued by both companies, the public can easily buy or sell them.

The stock market operates not only with shares. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs), REITs or other things called “securities” can also be traded on the stock market (although some details about the way they are valued or traded can differ).

Are there any risks for the stock market?

Definitely yes. It is very important to keep in mind that there are short-term and long-term risks. The stock prices can rise, but they can also plummet. The stock price can drop to $0 which means a complete loss of investment. That’s why investors should have a well-thought-out strategy which will help to manage their decisions.

What does the phrase “the market has rose” mean?

Thousands of companies trade their shares on stock markets. There are some stock market indices which are used to determine the stock price changes at any time.The best known index is the Dow Jones Industrial Index or the S&P 500 Index. The S&P 500 is an average of the 500 largest public companies listed in the United States by their market capitalization. Investors say that “the stock market rose” if the S&P 500 increased. But when the S&P 500 goes down, they say that “the stock market fell.”

Stock market operating principle

The stock market has the main purpose: to bring together buyers and sellers for negotiating stock trading. The stock market works like an auction to spot the prices.

 1. Buyers are pressing for paying the lowest possible price. Stockbrokers offer the price they want to pay for the stock. The highest price becomes the “Best Bid”.

 2. Sellers are pressing for selling at the highest possible price. The share owners or their stockbrokers propose the price they are ready to sell the shares. The lowest price becomes the “Best Asking Price”/Best Ask.

The “Spread” is the difference between the Best Bid and the Best Ask. Both parties put in their best to make a deal by the average price, and the intermediary, who carries out the deal, gets the difference as a reward.

The stock prices are moving. The stock price can often change because of the number of investors willing to buy or sell shares and the number of transactions that take place on the stock market.

Shares are usually traded through negotiations between the bid and ask prices. The prices may change with the shares of other companies when many factors (political or economical) affect the changes of markets.

Who uses the stock market?

Here you can find some of the key players of the stock market:

Retail investors (like you) can buy or sell stocks through your brokerage count. When you make an order, it is sent to the market where transactions are made.

Stockbrokers (aka registered representatives) – they have been trained and passed a special exam. They can buy and sell securities in investors stead. They work for brokers who can be principals or agents in transactions, earning money from margins (as principals) or commissions (as agents) on transactions.

Portfolio managers – they are like school owners – they order a big amount of books because they teach a lot of people. They make big orders to buy and sell stocks because they manage big portfolios of stocks which belong to other investors.The portfolio manager in many cases handles a package of underlying securities in the fund’s portfolio if you own shares here.

Investment bankers – they help to place stocks on stock exchanges.

Other participants in the stock market

Investors can be considered as the moving power because they’re the ones who want to buy or sell shares. However between buyers and sellers there are important agents who earn money by providing services to investors. Here is a list of key ones:

  • Principals: This is a broker-dealer firm that has stocks they want to sell to investors. They also want to buy stocks from investors who are trying to sell them. Broker-dealers, who act as principals, earn money by adding a margin to the shares which were sold and the stocks which were bought by them.
  • Agents: They are someones in the middle. They help to link the buying or sale request of one investor with the other side of the deal. They often charge a commission for their work.
  • Stock Exchange: In the US the two most famous stock exchanges are the Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange, but the whole list consists of 13 exchanges. They charge a small commission for each deal that occurs there in exchange for their services. They also take a listing commission to companies that place their shares on the exchange.
  • Custodians: They are the ones who hold your shares (mostly electronically, so you have a less risk of loss or theft). Brokerage houses usually pay them for this keeping service.
  • Market-Makers: They are like your best friend who is ready for anything. These are firms that stand on the sidelines, ready to buy or sell shares at publicly quoted prices.
  • Retail Investors: they are not professionals. They can buy or sell stocks by a personal brokerage account.

Who regulates the stock markets?

The Congress has granted the authority to regulate stock markets to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (US Security and Exchange Commission/SEC). Other countries have similar ways of regulation and agencies. These regulators have a broad mandate, and it is focused on customers. The main goals are investor protection, promoting justice and maintaining market efficiency.

Key rules of the stock market

The Securities and Exchange Commission sets principles and requirements for everybody who trades shares. Although these rules can be different in specifics for different stock markets in different countries, they are created to protect the investment with accuracy, transparency and consistency.

 1. Price Transparency: Stock markets should guarantee that the best “bid” (the price the buyer is willing to pay) and the best “asking price” (the price the seller is willing to sell) are shown to participants to keep equity.

 2. Confirmations: If you are a brokerage client trading stocks on the stock market, you have the rights to confirm the transaction with the main details of the transaction. These may be the time of the transaction, the real price you paid, and (if your broker charges a commission) the specific commission you charged.

 3. Qualification Exams: Stock traders have to be licensed by FINRA. This is a self-regulatory organization which consists of exchanges and financial institutions. The process of licensing includes taking some exams that, among other things, cover the principle of market work.

 4. Possibility of suspension:The exchange may be closed temporarily or for an entire day if trading in stocks or the whole market has certain price or volatility limits for a long time. This is a serious step (rarely used by exchanges) which helps to protect investors from trading in a panic and fix problems. The Securities and Exchange Commission or the exchange may also stop trading because of other important reasons.

Providing real-time price data is the main trait of modern stock markets. Investment moves must rely on the most actual information, stock exchanges focus on faster and more relevant price information.

Examples of the stock markets

In the US the two largest stock exchanges are the Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange. There are many other well-known stock exchanges around the world, including Euronext (with markets in Amsterdam, Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon and Paris), TMX Group in Toronto, and many others. These stock markets are exchanges where companies in a particular region typically place their shares. But the local markets may also be accessible to traders around the world, so stocks listed on one exchange may sometimes be traded on others.

How do investments work?


An asset is considered to be an investment if it is purchased by a person or a business with the hope that it will produce income or profit in the future. Stocks and real estate are two examples of investments.

Investing knowledge

When you invest, you exchange resources (like cash or credit) for assets (like stocks or property) in an effort to profit in the future. For instance, a shareholder could buy stocks with the hope that their value would increase or in order to get dividends. A student could spend money on a college education in the hopes of beginning a rewarding profession. Although money is frequently associated with investments, you may also put your time and energy into them (like a business might do). Losses may result from an investment if the value of the purchased asset declines or if other advantages actually received (such as rent payments for a rental property) fall short of expectations. Where there is a chance for gain, there is also a chance for danger.

What is an investment?

When you invest, you exchange current resources (such money or time) for an item that, ideally, will provide future rewards. Ideally, if you invest a resource at the appropriate time and location, your investment might increase in value. In the stock market, for instance, you normally exchange money (an asset) for stocks when you invest. Stocks, bonds, commodities, mutual funds, and real estate are just a few examples of the numerous asset classes one may invest in. Generally speaking, the goal behind an investment is that it will eventually be profitable for the investor.

Imagine someone purchasing a home with the anticipation that it would increase in value and fetch a higher asking price later on. A lot of folks find that an investment gives.

Imagine someone purchasing a home with the anticipation that it would increase in value and fetch a higher asking price later on. An investment may help many people increase their total wealth or act as a source of income. Additionally, it’s critical to remember that all investments have a certain amount of risk. For instance, once you purchase a stock or piece of property, its value may drop.

Depending on the situation, an investment can have many meanings. An investment is a purchase made with the intention of using it to generate wealth in the future. A corporation or individual from one nation may invest in commercial ventures in another nation, such as establishing a factory (aka foreign direct investments).

What kinds of investments are there?

You may invest your money and other assets in a range of securities, just as you can cultivate many different kinds of plants in a garden. The possible profits, dangers, and other factors, such as management costs and tax repercussions, may vary depending on the investment. Here are some instances of investments in the realm of finance:


Investing in a stock is equivalent to purchasing a minor stake in a firm. Stocks resemble movie stars among financial products since they are always in the news and the topic of conversation. People frequently buy in stocks in the hopes that the stock will rise in value by the time they decide to sell it. Selling a stock at a higher price typically results in a profit (assuming the increase in price was more than enough to cover any trading fees and transaction costs). Some businesses pay common stockholders quarterly dividends as a way of distributing income to shareholders.


You lend money to a government, business, or other borrowing body when you purchase a bond. In return, your debtor (also known as the bond issuer) is often required to pay back the loan along with interest. However, sometimes businesses and even whole nations are unable to satisfy their bond obligations and default—that is, they don’t make payments to the bond holders. Defaulting is typically a last choice for businesses since it may frighten away investors and make it difficult to acquire money. A bond is often a fixed-income investment, meaning it makes payments according to a set schedule. The final interest payment and repayment of the principal are normally made on the bond’s maturity date, which is also known as the bond’s end date.

Additional investment types

There are several more types of financial investments, including those in real estate, futures, CDs, cryptocurrencies, options, commodities, and more. It’s crucial to comprehend the terms, charges, and hazards associated before investing in any asset.

What’s the process of investing?

All investments call for a preliminary investment, often in the form of cash, time, or work. While it is ideal for the initial investment to increase and eventually yield a return in the form of increased financial worth or another advantage, not all investments will make a profit. Establishing an investment account with a broker or through a financial expert, such as a money manager, is typically required to invest in a financial instrument (such as stocks or bonds).

Real estate is a popular investment choice. Consider a scenario in which you decide to purchase a home in the hopes that it may one day provide revenue in addition to providing you with a place to live. You choose to list the house for a greater price after observing the home’s worth increase over time. Or you can opt to find another renter to rent the property. In any case, the house you bought could be valuable down the road.

Investments frequently incorporate commercial activities. Stocks, capital goods, and tangible assets are frequently linked to business investments. But a lot of businesses also make investments in people. For instance, a company may spend money on employee training to boost output.

How can I begin investing?

Remember that all investments have possible dangers before you invest. If you’re selecting what to invest in or whether to engage a professional to help, it’s crucial to conduct research beforehand. Understanding your investing objectives and risk tolerance can also be beneficial. Markets have historically gone through upswings and downswings, although historically speaking, the stock market has gained over longer stretches of time (20+ years). Having said that, remember that a market’s previous performance doesn’t always predict how it will perform in the future. Another crucial point is that the majority of investors have failed to outperform the market.

Typically, creating an investing account that enables you to purchase and sell shares is the first step in becoming a market investor. Some investors could work with a broker who can place transactions on their behalf by making offers on stocks and other assets. Some people could employ a portfolio manager to look after their money. Doing your research and learning as much as you can about the markets and possibilities you are thinking about investing in is always a smart idea.

What role do investments have in economic growth?

A firm and the larger economy may benefit from an investor’s money growing thanks to investments. A capital market, for instance, enables a business to raise money through stock sales and the issuance of corporate bonds. A firm might increase its operations with that financing by, for example, opening a new factory, hiring additional staff, or creating a new product line. All of this may contribute to economic expansion through mechanisms like job creation and consumer demand.

Similar to a business, a government looks for investment, sometimes in the form of bonds, in order to raise money. Typically, the funds earned are used for public initiatives like funding social services or building a new roadway. This encourages the demand. Additionally, investing in one’s own education, home, or even one’s own skills and abilities might encourage consumption. Investments are frequently used by people to finance financial objectives like retirement.

People may be more inclined to spend their money on products and services when they have more income, which can stimulate the economy. Similarly, a decline in investments is frequently associated with a contracting economy. An economic slowdown won’t necessarily follow a fall in investments, though. Even investment may increase if the economy is in decline. In reality, as the government works to boost aggregate demand, public investments frequently rise during economic downturns.

What are Economies of Scale?


Economies of scale occur when a company’s cost of producing a single product decreases as output increases.

When do economies of scale arise?

Economies of scale arise when a company’s average cost of producing a single product falls as production increases. Changes within or outside a firm might result in economies of scale. Internal economies of scale can occur when a company invests in new technology or hires less expensive personnel.

When resources become less costly or when a company’s transportation expenses decrease as roads improve, external economies of scale might emerge. The reverse can occur as well. Diseconomies of scale are when a company’s average cost per product rises due to internal or external changes. Constant returns to scale occur when the cost of producing each product remains constant as output increases.

Henry Ford

One of the most well-known instances of a person who achieved economies of scale through specialization and mass manufacturing is Henry Ford. For the typical person, his initial Model T Ford was prohibitively costly. Ford created machinery to produce enormous parts, but he also wanted to assemble vehicles more quickly. He enhanced productivity relative to labor cost by adapting the moving assembly line, which was utilized in food manufacturing at the time. As a result, he achieved economies of scale by producing more vehicles in less time. He was able to sell Model Ts for less money, and his moving assembly line revolutionized manufacturing.


In the long run, larger firms that can afford to acquire ingredients in bulk or invest in better gear can create more items for less money. You can build your economies of scale if you can afford to buy groceries in large quantities. In the long term, economies of scale occur when a business can manufacture more items for a lower average cost per product. As a company’s output grows, so does the cost of producing each product.

Large corporations frequently have a competitive edge (conditions that allow a company to do better than its rivals). As a result, they can save money by purchasing supplies in bulk at a discount or investing in robots for a manufacturing line. While the initial investment may increase expenses, firms will benefit from economies of scale in the long run, allowing them to produce more items for less money.

What are the effects of economies of scale on production cost?

All companies have fixed costs, for instance, lease payments and equipment. Fixed costs stay regardless of any specific business activities. However, once a company increases its number of products, its fixed costs would be spread out over more items. As a result, the average price to create each product would decrease.

A simple example of this is a shoe repair store with a replaced lazy worker, who could only fix five pairs of shoes a day, with an energetic worker, who would make 10. The shoe repairs store’s fixed costs — the wages of one full-time worker and rent for the shoe repairs — haven’t changed, but the number of fixed shoes has increased. As the fixed costs are spread through more shoes, the cost to make each pair of shoes falls.

Another type of cost all companies certainly have is variable costs. Those go up and down along with a company’s production. For example, if our shoe repairs want to get twice more shoes fixed, it has to buy more raw materials to do that, which increases variable costs. However, since the shoe repairs store is now buying more items at once, it may get a volume discount.

What makes internal and external economies of scale different?

Companies could achieve economies of scale because of either internal or external factors.


There’re a few ways large companies can create internal economies of scale:

1. Invest in the specialization: A firm that invests in better machinery, technology, or personnel can create more at a faster rate.

2. Purchase resources or commodities at a discount: Purchasing in quantity is generally less expensive, resulting in reduced per-item pricing.

3. Obtain lower-cost financing: Larger businesses typically have stronger credit histories, allowing them to borrow money at lower interest rates than smaller businesses.

4. Expand facilities or relocate: A factory with more extensive facilities can produce more. In addition, transportation expenses can be reduced by relocating closer to the source of supplies and components.


External economies of scale happen when changes outside of the company occur. For example, these External economies of scale could involve governmental subsidies or tax reductions where both factors could support the growth of businesses and reduce a company’s overall costs.

1. Improved transportation: By expanding or developing transportation networks, a firm may save money on transportation expenditures.

2. Availability of higher-skilled labour: A firm may hire better workers for less money if more skilled people are accessible nearby.

3. An availability of raw materials: Resources become less expensive when they are simpler to obtain.

4. Industry-wide faster innovation: Companies that use technology to enhance output might profit from technological advancements.

External economies of scale can be realized by smaller firms in the same sector and area as larger enterprises by being in the right place at the right time. They could, for example, have access to a more specialized labour pool or wholesalers who can provide the supplies or components they require. Alternatively, they may be able to use a superior transportation network that arises as a result of the presence of more giant corporations.

The limits of economies of scale?

Economies of scale do not always continue indefinitely.

Increased production can lead to an increase in the average cost per product. Diseconomies of scale are what occur when this happens. Diseconomies of scale, like economies of scale, can occur due to internal or external factors.

Internal scale inefficiencies can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

1. Issues with coordination: As a firm expands, it adds more employees and procedures to coordinate. A company’s efficiency might suffer as a result of its complexity.

2. Employee motivation: In large businesses, employees may feel insignificant and lose motivation, affecting productivity.

3. Communication: As a business grows, the chance of misunderstanding between departments, workers, or supply chain components increases.

When events outside of a company cause costs to increase, it’s called external diseconomies of scale. Some of the most common are:

1. More costly materials: When resources or raw materials are scarce, prices might rise.

2. Higher import taxes or tariffs: Import taxes or tariffs can raise production expenses.

3. Increased transportation costs: As the cost of delivering a product rises, so does the cost of producing that product per unit.

4. Increasing supply chain costs: When the expenses of other companies with which a company does business rise, total production costs rise as well.

Most businesses are constantly seeking methods to decrease costs without decreasing production in order to prevent diseconomies of scale. Outsourcing work to lower-wage locations, obtaining cheaper materials, and reducing manufacturing costs are all examples of this. There is generally a period of time between economies of scale and diseconomies of scale when the cost of producing each product remains constant. This is referred to as continuous economies of scale or constant returns to scale.

What are economies of scope?

Economies of scope and scale are two methods for a firm to reduce its average cost of production, but they function in distinct ways. The overall cost of producing a range of items is reduced when a firm creates new commodities that share the same fixed and variable resources as its initial product. This results in a scope economy.

For example, suppose a shoe repair store increases its product range. In that case, its fixed expenses will remain the same because they already have machines, employees, and a store. However, those expenses are now dispersed among a broader range of items.

While economies of scale lower the cost of manufacturing a single item, economies of scope reduce the cost of generating several items. Economies of scale allow businesses to create more of the same product with more efficient operations, but economies of scope enable enterprises to generate various goods with the same method.

What do Brokers do?

A broker is an individual or a brokerage firm that acts as an intermediary between third parties who buy and sell goods and securities on regulated markets, so called exchanges.

Understanding the definition

Investors most commonly rely on brokers to trade various assets. To trade stocks, bonds, etc., and to connect people who want to buy or sell a security with the other part of the transaction, brokers must be licensed. To get such a license, a broker must fulfill some requirements that vary from one country to another. For instance, while in the US, a broker might be either a firm or a person, in Russia, it could only be a firm with its share capital, a certain number of staff members, etc. By convention, most brokerage firms charge a commission for the services.


There are dozens of brokerage firms throughout the world that vary in terms of services offered and fees charged. To name a few, we have Charles Schwab, Fidelity Investments, as well as others like Grid Capital, of course.

Broker basics

Brokers are registered firms (or representatives) that link investors who want to buy or sell stocks or other securities with the parties on the other side of the transactions. Besides offering a fast and efficient way to trade and connect with people on the other side of transactions, full-service brokers might also provide several additional services, such as: extensive market research, investment plans, market intelligence, and tailored investment solutions. A few decades ago, only wealthy people could afford a broker and access to the stock market. Nowadays, online broking has triggered the emergence of discount brokers that allow customers to trade at very low fees, but without access to professional personalized guidance.

Online Brokerage Firms

They provide a quick and effective means to make transactions and establish contact with parties to a transaction. They are licensed businesses (and agents) who connect investors looking to buy or sell stocks, bonds, and other securities with the parties involved in the transactions. For the service, certain OG companies demand a commission.