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2021-09-16 11:34:24

Where is my Uber?

Our research indicates positive dynamics of the e-commerce market in 2Q21. For Uber Eats, this translates into an increase in MAU and purchase frequency on a quarterly and yearly basis, a potential indicator of sustained growth in delivery orders. Our assessment of Uber Technologies is based on a differentiated approach, thanks to the company’s global reach and market leadership in various transportation and logistics segments, coordinated by applications. We maintain positive sentiment on the companies business.





Based on our analysis, Ridesharing’s core platform is profitable for every trip and the company is poised to further expand its share in several high-growth regions, which we believe offers significant opportunities for continued revenue growth. We believe that new businesses such as ride sharing, new urban products (such as bicycles and scooters), food delivery will soon start generating profits. Uber’s business model perfectly correlates with global trends, given the significant scale of the company’s business and the effectiveness of quality control through in-platform cross-selling.

Uber is a platform company that facilitates transportation as a service (TaaS) through ride-hailing, bikes and scooters, food delivery, and freight booking services across their app network. They are active in over 10,000 cities and 69 countries globally as of Dec. 31, 2018,and it is a market leader with 65%+ market share in nearly all ride-sharing regions in which it operates. The company is investing in all of their business verticals and also autonomous driving technology through their Advanced Technologies Group which has partnerships with Toyota, Denso, and Softbank.

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