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What is a Net Operating Loss (NOL)?


A net operating loss (NOL) is the incident when a person or corporation has more permissible tax deductions than taxable revenue.

What does a net operating loss mean?

A net operating loss happens when a person or business’s available tax deductions exceed their set gross income for the year. The Tax Service allows taxpayers to transfer their losses as a credit to decrease future tax bills. From 2018, the amount of NOL transfer from the previous year is limited to 80% of the current year’s taxable revenue. The taxpayer may transfer NOLs indefinitely, but only if they are used in the sequence in which they are created. NOL transfers are typically the result of corporate losses.

How NOL works for different categories of taxpayers

1. Individuals

It is not essential to conduct business to suffer net operating losses. For example, if you have experienced losses due to unintentional damage to your house, vehicle, or personal property as a consequence of a federally recognized natural disaster, you may claim NOL if your deductible losses exceed your income for the tax year.

2. Individual entrepreneurs and LLC with one participant

The Tax Service considers single proprietors and LLCs with one member to be “end-to-end enterprises” – tax duties are shifted to the individual firm owner. Individual company owners use Table C to disclose their revenues and losses. There is NOL if the whole costs of the firm exceed the total income. This information is then placed into the individual’s tax return to see if a NOL may be claimed.

3. S-corporations and partnerships

Pass-through entities include S-corporations and partnerships (LLCs with two or more members are treated as partnerships unless they elect to be taxed as corporations). But, because there may be several owners, the amount of revenue and loss that a corporation gets is precisely proportional to each individual’s degree of involvement. Partners or shareholders can assess whether they can report NOL on personal tax returns based on their individual portions of corporate revenue and expenses.

4. Corporations of type “C”

Category C corporations are taxed on an individual basis. Any NOL generated by the firm is not distributed to the shareholders. In general, the requirements for transferring NOLs are identical for companies. Yet, corporation taxes are quite complicated. Companies will almost certainly wish to consult with a tax expert to establish if they should file NOL.

NOL carryforward: what is it?

Carrying over net operating losses (NOL) allows you to deduct losses recorded in the current tax year from taxable income in the next year, reducing your tax responsibilities. NOL can be transferred to future years an endless number of times, although the total amount transferred cannot exceed 80% of the taxable income for that year.

When your NOL reaches 80% of your taxable income for the next year, you can continue to transfer the rest to future years, but you must subtract each NOL in the order in which it was formed. For example, if you have a NOL in 2021, you can apply it to your 2022 taxes as a loan worth up to 80% of your 2022 income. If you receive another NOL in 2023, you must remove the rest of the 2021 NOL before using the 2023 NOL.

How to calculate NOL?

The Federal Revenue Service Publication 536 worksheet can be used to determine the NOL. Individuals subtract from their gross income their standard or itemized expenses (heirs and trusts use their taxable income with the addition of some deductions). Furthermore, the table considers capital gains and losses for a person and a firm, income and deductions not connected to the business, and NOL expenses from past years. If the outcome is less than zero, it is NOL.

Imagine that John, a taxpayer, owns a local gift shop and works part-time as a waiter.

For 2022, he files his taxes using Table C and Form 1040. He will also compute his NOL using the IRS net operating loss worksheet.

Income Waiter’s salary = $6,000 Interest from savings account = $200. John’s total income = $6,200

Net loss from gift shop operations (gross income $40,000 – expenses $50,000) = -$10,000

Standard deduction = $12,000. John’s total deductions = $22,000.

John’s deductions amount surpasses his income: $22 000 – $6 200 = $15 800


Unfortunately, NOL cannot account for all deductions or revenue. In John’s scenario, he will be unable to claim non-profit deductions (a standard deduction of $12,000) or non-profit income (200 dollars in interest on a savings account).

Non-business deductions (the standard deduction is $12,000) – non-entrepreneurial income ($200 in savings account interest) = $11,800

John deducts the items that were not approved for deduction from the total amount of deductions ($22,000 – $11,800 = $10,200).

John’s 2022 NOL is his income of $6,200 minus his total adjusted deductions of $10,200.

John’s NOL for 2019 = $4,000.

John can carry over this $4,000 loss to the 2023 tax year to decrease his income tax responsibilities. He can, however, only transfer the NOL, which is equal to 80% of his taxable income in 2022. This implies that if John makes less than $5,000 ($4,000 is 80% of $5,000), he can only transfer a portion of his NOL to 2022. He will then be able to arrange the remaining appointments for 2023.

Businesses with NOL use them as an asset on their balance sheets since they minimize the company’s tax liability. If NOL exceeds 80% of the next year’s income, the remainder can be carried forward as an asset on the company’s balance sheet.

What is MAGI?


Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) is your adjusted gross income with the addition of certain tax deductions.

What is modified adjusted gross income?

Your family’s modified adjusted gross income is what determines whether you qualify for certain tax savings and deductions. Your MAGI is determined by pre-calculating your adjusted gross income (AGI), which is your income after you have changed it to account for some tax deductions. Then, to find your MAGIs, you have to add some of those deductions back. That’s not a figure you’ll find on your tax return because you have to calculate your MAGI yourself. Depending on your MAGI, you may be eligible for some benefits, including Medicaid insurance, medical plan subsidies under the Healthcare Marketplace, and the ability to contribute to individual retirement accounts such as the Roth IRA.

Difference between MAGI and AGI

Adjusted gross income (AGI) and modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) are two digits that can have an impact on your finances. They may be similar in value to each other, but they are not the same thing.

The AGI is the number that appears on your tax return. This number affects your eligibility for certain tax credits and tax exemptions. For example, the AGI determines whether you are entitled (and for what amount you are entitled) to a child tax credit, earned income tax credit, dependent care tax credit, adoption tax credit, and more.

There are also some tax deductions that you are only entitled to if your income falls below a certain level. These deductions include certain itemized deductions, mortgage insurance contributions, charitable contributions, medical expenses, and qualified vehicle taxes.

Depending on your financial situation, your MAGI can be very similar or identical to your AGI – it depends on the case. Your MAGI is required to determine whether you are eligible for certain other deductions. Specifically, your MAGI determines whether you can deduct any contributions you have made to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and whether you can contribute to a Roth IRA.

What does MAGI need for?

MAGI and Roth IRA

If you were considering opening a Roth IRA, then you should pay special attention to your revised adjusted gross income (MAGI). A Roth IRA is an individual retirement account into which you deposit funds after tax, but then do not pay taxes when you withdraw funds. Only individuals whose MAGI falls under a certain threshold are eligible to contribute to the Roth IRA. At a certain level of MAGI, the amount you can contribute to your Roth IRA is reduced. There is also a level of income at which your eligibility is completely lost.

In 2023, if your income is less than $138,000 (or $218,000 for married couples), you can contribute the full $6,500. If your income is between $138,000 and $153,000 (or between $218,000 and $228,000 for married couples), you can deposit a reduced amount. Finally, if your MAGI exceeds $153,000 for single people and $228,000 for married couples, then you can’t contribute to the Roth IRA.

MAGI & Traditional IRAs

Your MAGI also plays a vital role if you’re contributing to a traditional IRA. A traditional IRA is one where you can deduct the dollars you contribute to your IRA, but then you pay taxes on the money you withdraw when you retire.

The amount you can contribute to a traditional IRA is the same as a Roth IRA – $6,500 or $7,500  for those aged 50 and over in 2023. But with a traditional IRA, you can contribute as much no matter how high your income is. In the case of a traditional IRA, your MAGI determines whether you can deduct your contributions for tax purposes. Those who are within a certain income range can only receive a partial deduction, while those who exceed a certain income will not be able to receive any deduction at all.

How to count MAGI?

1. Determine your gross income

When it comes to determining your adjusted gross income (MAGI), the first step is to determine your total income for the year. Your gross income is the sum of all the income you earned during the year. It can be wages, tips, business income, rental income, retirement income, child support and investment income (usually in the form of capital gains, dividends and interest).

2. Define your adjusted gross income (AGI)

Once you’ve calculated your total income for the year, it’s time to determine your adjusted gross income (AGI). Your adjusted gross income is your income after you deducted certain non-taxable expenses. Your AGI represents your taxable income before you have accounted for a standard deduction, itemized deductions and any tax relief or exemption you might be entitled to. All this reduces your taxable income.

Deductions you can deduct from your gross income to determine your AGI include:

  • Contributions to the Health Savings Account (HSA)
  • Health insurance costs (if you are self-employed)
  • Contributions to Individual Retirement Account (IRA)
  • Student loan interest
  • Training and fees
  • Teacher costs

Ultimately, the lower your AGI, the less income taxes you will end up paying. Therefore, it is in your interest to take advantage of as many tax deductions as possible to reduce your taxable income.

3. Calculate your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI)

Once you get your AGI, you can calculate your MAGIs. It won’t appear on your tax form like your AGI, but it shouldn’t be difficult to sort it out. Your MAGI may be very similar to your AGI (in some cases it may even be identical).

To determine your MAGI, you’ll need to add some things back to your AGI. They may refer to:

  • Deductions you took for IRA contributions
  • Deductions you took for student loan interest as well as tuition
  • Self-employment taxes
  • Passive income or loss
  • Lease losses
  • Losses from publicly traded partnerships
  • Excluded foreign income

What is Year-to-Date?


Year-to-Date (YTD) is the period from the beginning of the year to the present.

What is it?

Businesses frequently use YTD data to review company trends beginning with the start of a calendar or fiscal year. A fiscal year, like a calendar year, has 12 months, however it does not necessarily begin on January 1. Some businesses begin the fiscal year on July 1. YTD refers to the period from July 1 to the current year in this scenario. A business can use YTD for an income statement or balance sheet, for example, with the same period as the last year. As a result, for the fiscal year opening on January 1, the company’s five-month financial report from the start of the year will include the company’s finances from January 1 to May 31.

YTD: how to use?

The fiscal year is a calendar used by some governments and organizations to keep track of their finances. It is still a 12-month period, although it does not always begin on January 1st. The federal government operates on a fiscal year that runs from October 1 to September 30. The fiscal year of many state governments and companies runs from July 1 to June 30 of the next year.

YTD Financial statements

Businesses frequently use the YTD data to compare financial results from one year or period to another. They can achieve this by comparing YTD financial statements (such as income statements and balance sheets) from 2 different years.

Why does YTD matter?

Comparing the same time from one year to the next might provide a more realistic view of how the business operates.

Let’s take a look at a supermarket. The end of the year is a wonderful time for retail – Black Friday and Christmas shopping often bring in a lot of revenue for businesses. As a result, if a supermarket compared the first three months of 2023 to the last three months of 2022, they could be disappointed. In other words, their revenues may fall from one quarter to the next. It’s not that business is detrimental; it’s just that the company sold more in the fourth quarter than it did in the first. It would be more appropriate for this supermarket to compare the first quarter of 2023 to the first quarter of 2022.

YTD Revenue

Earnings during the current year are money given to the employee since the start of the year. It generally refers to gross income, or an employee’s earnings before taxes. You may also refer to a YTD employee’s net pay, which reflects his profits from the start of the year after taxes and expenses.

YTD payroll

In the current year’s payroll, remuneration is examined from the perspective of the employer, not the employee. To determine YTD compensation, an employer needs to look at the gross income of each of his employees and add them all together. This analysis will show them how much money they’ve spent on salaries since the start of the year. The payroll at the start of the year might assist the business owner in comparing the current year to the same period previous year. It can also assist them determine whether they are on course to reach their annual budget based on what they planned to spend on staff pay. Indeed, knowing your costs as a business owner is essential.

YTD returns

The YTD yield is the profit from investments earned since the beginning of the year. You can discuss the yield from the beginning of the year for a single investment, such as a bond or a separate product, or the income from the beginning of the year for the investor’s whole portfolio.

It’s just as easy to calculate your portfolio’s profitability since the beginning of the year. Remove the starting value of your portfolio from the current value. Then, divide the result by the starting amount to calculate the percentage gain over the year. Please keep in mind that this figure is shown as a decimal. Just double the number by 100 to convert it into percentages.

YTD percentages

The amount of interest you have paid since the beginning of the year is referred to as annual interest. These percentages might be from a school loan, a mortgage, a credit card, or any other sort of interest-bearing debt. Interest generated on a savings account, bonds, or other interest-bearing investments can also be represented by YTD interest.

Assume you have a student loan with a 5% interest rate. When you make a payment each month, some of it goes to the principal (the amount borrowed) and part to interest. Your account should offer a breakdown of how much money was spent on each cost each month, allowing you to estimate your own percentages from the start of the year. Finally, at the end of the year, your lender will issue you a form-1098 E that shows how much interest you paid for the whole year.


MTD is the month before the date, or the time from the start of the month to the most recent full working day. If the current working day has not yet finished, the month before the date is the time between the start of the month and the previous working day.

Assume today is March 23, 2023. The previous day, March 22, was the last full working day of the month. MTD will refer to the period from March 1, 2023 to March 22, 2023 in this situation. A business owner may readily compare the financial data for March 1-22, this year, to the same time last year.

What is Outsourcing?

Instead of hiring workers, a business may choose to outsource the provision of services and labor to other businesses or people.

What is Outsourcing?

When a business contracts for goods and labor from beyond its own borders rather than recruiting staff, erecting facilities, or controlling its supply chain, it is said to be outsourcing. Companies that provide outsourcing services offshore can reduce labor costs in countries with lower living costs and take advantage of tax breaks.

Offshore outsourcing can also give companies access to supply chain management and resources not available in the U.S. Companies can also outsource back-office business functions such as human resources (HR) and information technology (IT), or front-office functions such as customer support.

How does outsourcing work?

Most people know that many big tech companies outsource the production and assembly of their products to other countries like China and India because it gives them access to more labor that will work for lower wages.

But companies can outsource all types of business functions, both domestically and abroad, to other countries. Outsourcing can mean sending product production abroad. Or it could mean hiring a delivery service to transport products and materials (supply chain management).

Companies can also outsource entire departments such as information technology (IT), software development and customer service. Or they can outsource work to specialists such as lawyers, accountants or marketing experts.

Why do companies resort to outsourcing?

The main reason the company outsources jobs is to reduce costs. Companies can outsource manufacturing jobs to countries with lower wages and tax benefits. Companies can produce more products or services for less, creating economies of scale.

Small businesses that cannot afford to hire full-time professionals can also access expertise through outsourcing. For example, small businesses can outsource accounting because hiring an accounting firm is more cost-effective than hiring full-time full-time accountants. This practice is also common for legal needs.

Outsourcing day-to-day operations such as product delivery, customer support call centers, and manufacturing can allow companies to focus more resources on their key competencies (the core business goal), such as video game creation or shoe design, for example.

Types of outsourcing

Today, companies outsource all types of business processes. This led to the emergence of business process outsourcing (BPO) companies. BPO companies provide outsourcing services by connecting companies with outsourcing providers.

When a company outsources domestically, it is often referred to as onshoring. Companies outsource business procedures to other companies on land because it’s easier and more cost-effective than building entire departments in-house.

Outsourcing jobs to another country is called offshoring. The United States has a high cost of living, which usually results in higher wages. Businesses often take advantage of cost savings by using emerging markets with lower labor costs, such as India or China, as labor.

Offshore outsourcing to a country close to the United States, such as Mexico or Canada, is called nearshoring. Many jobs in the automaker have been moved to Mexico because of lower labor costs. Outsourcing to a distant country such as India, China or Malaysia is called stuffing. Many call centers and customer service departments have been relocated to India and the Philippines because workers in those countries speak English and work for lower wages.

The pros and cons of outsourcing


Increased efficiency: Outsourcing service providers specializing in any process or service can offer higher quality products and services, resulting in the correct performance of the work the first time.

Cost savings: Outsourcing business processes is cheaper than it would cost internally can free up money to invest in other areas of the business. Access to expertise: Outsourcing can give a firm access to specialists or funds that it may not have internally or that it cannot afford to develop on its own.

Competitive advantage: Reducing production and/or service costs may allow a company to charge less for its goods or services, giving it an advantage over other companies in the same industry. If a company can sell goods or services cheaper, it will typically sell more goods and services than other companies.


Unemployment: Some economists blame outsourcing for domestic unemployment because it sends many jobs abroad. But others argue that many jobs simply no longer exist because of advances in technology (such as robots building cars).

Leak: Outsourcing providers that work for many companies in the same industry can steal information. They can sell intellectual property or trade secrets to competing companies or use that information to create their own products.

Lack of quality control: Outsourcing too many players can make it difficult for companies to track the quality of products they produce. Savings cuts: Wages in other countries are rising as their economies improve. This trend makes outsourcing less profitable than it once was.

What is Inelastic?


Inelasticity generally refers to inelastic demand, an economic concept that defines demand that does not vary much as prices change.

What is inelastic?

In economics, the price of a good or service is frequently influenced by supply and demand. How demand for a product responds to price variations may be explained by two forms of demand. Demand for a product that does not fluctuate much as a result of price changes is said to have inelastic demand. If the price of a product rises, buyers will not lower their purchases of that commodity. Similar to this, if costs are decreased, demand essentially stays the same. Elastic demand, which defines consumer desire that rises when prices are low and falls when they are high, is the inverse of this.

Inelasticity can also refer to the delivery of a product or service. Typically, if prices rise, businesses produce more goods or services, increasing their supply. For a product with an inelastic offer, the quantity delivered does not change significantly when the price of the product increases or decreases.

Inelastic products, as a general rule, are those for which the change in supply or demand is smaller than the change in price. For instance, the demand for commodities with elastic demand might rise by 2% for every 1% drop in price. The converse is true for inelastic products: for every 2% drop in price, demand increases by just 1%.

Examples of inelastic products

Demand inelasticity is caused by a variety of causes, and different items display it to varying degrees.

Cigarettes are one product whose demand is inelastic. The majority of cigarette smokers suffer from nicotine addiction. Even when the price of tobacco goods is rising, addiction pushes individuals to continue purchasing smokes. Similar to how smokers are unlikely to dramatically increase their cigarette use if the price reduces, non-smokers are also unlikely to give up smoking just because the cost has decreased.

Demand inelasticity is also frequently seen for goods for which there are no acceptable replacements. For instance, there isn’t a replacement that customers may use for table salt. Regardless matter how much it fluctuates in price, the need for salt will essentially stay the same.

Items whose supply level won’t move considerably as prices change are said to as inelastic quotations. Often, these are items that are hard to expand or reduce, or providers are nearly at capacity.

Housing is one instance of a good having an inelastic offer. Businesses experience difficulty when housing costs increase. Building new houses takes a long time, which makes it difficult for developers and landlords to locate more places to rent. At the same hand, if rents drop, landlords won’t be able to tear down their homes to escape the expense of home ownership, therefore they will continue to provide a comparable number of homes at a lower cost.

Elasticity vs. Inelasticity

Elasticity and inelasticity are the two terms used to describe how price influences supply and demand.

Consumer demand for a product is said to be inelastic if it does not fluctuate much as a result of price changes. Price adjustments have a major impact on consumer demand when demand is elastic. Demand is declining as prices rise. Demand increases as prices decline.

Elasticity coefficients are terms used by economists to quantify how much supply or demand will fluctuate in response to price changes. Economists often consider a commodity to have elastic demand if the elasticity ratio is greater than one. Inelastic demand is indicated if the factor is smaller than one. If the elasticity factor for the product is precisely one, then demand is singularly elastic. In other words, the price difference will be precisely equal to the change in the product’s demand.

The formula for finding the elasticity coefficient is:

Elasticity ratio =% change in demand/% change in value

What is Inelastic demand curve

It is simple to assume that a curve illustrating the inelasticity of a good or service is an inelastic demand curve. If you look at the curve, you will find that the demand for the product does not vary significantly when going along the axis that shows the price of the product. For instance, a 5% inelastic demand curve for a product may only see a 2% decline in demand in response to a 5% price rise.

The slope of the demand curve for a product is determined by its elasticity factor. If demand is on the X axis and price is on the Y axis, commodities with high demand elasticity have shorter slopes than goods with low demand elasticity.

Absolutely inelastic products

A product that exhibits no change in supply or demand when the price changes is said to be entirely inelastic. An item with absolute inelasticity has a straight supply or demand curve. Regardless of the product’s price, neither supply nor demand change.

No good exhibits supply or demand that is completely inelastic. Suppliers could charge whatever they wanted with assured sales if there was a product with utterly inelastic demand, or customers could just take the thing for free from the source.

Even the property market is flexible. Some customers may need to search alternate housing choices or may not be able to buy or rent a home if prices climb too much.

What is a bid/ask spread?

What is a bid/ask spread?

It should be mentioned that there are two methods to make a purchase through an online auction: either you buy the object instantly for the price that the vendor will provide, or you can submit a bid where you establish your own price. Therefore you must pick between the best price and a quick transaction.

Financial markets aren’t an exemption. Each stock or option transaction has a demand price, which is the seller’s minimum price. There is also an offer price, which is the most the buyer is ready to spend.

Almost invariably, the bid price is lower than the ask price. The bid/ask spread is the difference between the prices of bid and ask. A narrow bid/ask spread typically suggests great demand, whereas a broad bid and ask spread usually indicates that this commodity is traded by fewer individuals.

The bid/ask prices: who set prices

Market participants play a vital role in guaranteeing the profitability of financial markets, which means that you may buy and sell with ease and speed. A market maker’s primary responsibility is to identify possible buyers and sellers. It would be considerably more difficult to purchase and sell when you want and at a reasonable price if market makers did not organize transactions.

It is not always feasible to locate the best solution at the best moment. Market makers assist in buying when others are unwilling to purchase and selling when no one wants to sell. Market makers are compensated for this, with their share equal to the difference between the buy and sell prices.


The bid/ask spread for a specific commodity can vary substantially depending on bid and ask. A tight bid/ask spread often signals high profitability. Pay attention to liquidity since, among other things, illiquid options with a big bid/ask spread might lower your potential profit.

Working with option orders

When you buy and sell options, your option will be exercised at the ask price (if you buy) or the offer price (if you sell). This is often referred to as the natural price.

While looking for the greatest price, you may decide whether to offer a lower price (if you buy) or a higher price (if you sell). Some dealers must attempt to get their order filled at the average price, often known as the mark. That is equal to half the difference between the buy and selling prices.

The benefit of the mark price is that you’ll spend less (if you are a buyer) or receive more (if you are a seller). If you wish to buy, just like in a virtual auction, upping your bid increases your chances of winning the auction. A lower asking price enhances the possibility of a profitable sale.

Price selection

Natural pricing is the default setting for option trading. This implies that the demand price (when selling) or the offer price will be pre-filled in your order (when buying)

But, you have the option of setting the default price to either the natural or market price. The advantage of using the market price is that it allows you to work on your order and maybe acquire the greatest price for your contract. Another possibility is that you may have to wait longer for your order to be fulfilled, and it may never be executed. It’s worth noting that you may always change the price of your order by canceling and replacing it.

Types of orders

You can use a limit order or a stop limit when making your order:

A limit order allows you to specify the highest (or lower) price at which you are interested in buying or the lowest (or higher) price at which you are willing to sell.

A stop limit order contains a limit order when a specified price, known as the stop price, is achieved.

It should be noted that limit order execution is not guaranteed. Both the buyer and seller must take part in the transaction. If there aren’t enough contracts available at your limit price, it will take multiple transactions to complete the order, or it may not be completed at all.

What is a Certified Check?


A certified check is one that has been signed by a bank or other financial organization as an assurance that the money will be there to pay the check’s amount.

What exactly does is a Certified Check?

Accepting checks that have been certified gives you the assurance that the payer has sufficient funds in their account to cover the check’s full amount. A bank is liable for the sum when it confirms a check. As a result, when a financial institution verifies a check, it typically makes a reserve equal to the check’s value. Why is this taking place? The response will go on. You won’t be able to stop a certified check from being cashed after you’ve issued it.

How do certified checks operate?

The operation of a certified check is identical to that of a registered check. You first write a check, which is then cashed, taking the money out of your account. The assurance of payment from the bank distinguishes certified checks from registered checks.

The bank will frequently remove or withhold the amount shown on the certified check because it is in a bank account to prevent you, the checker, from using the funds elsewhere.

It is a good idea to have a backup plan in place in case the backup plan fails. Money can often be obtained the following business day. A certified check for more than $5,000 will have its first $5,000 accessible the following business day and the remaining $5,000 within two business days.

When is a certified check required?

If you need to make a sizable transaction where cash settlement becomes risky and the seller does not take an electronic payment, you could require a certified check. Due to security concerns, the majority of individuals refuse to accept checks. Also, there is little you can do if someone sends you a check for money they don’t have. A certified check gives the vendor the assurance that you won’t try to extort money from him in exchange for pricey products. Although certified checks do carry some risk, it is far less than that of a personal check.

Where can I find a certified check?

A local bank or credit union may be able to provide you with a certified check. Nevertheless, certified checks could or might not be available depending on your bank. These often aren’t as simple to obtain as cashing checks and money transfers.

Call the bank to confirm that certified checks are available before proceeding. If so, you can obtain one of them by going to your neighborhood bank office. Your bank or credit union could charge a nominal fee for a certified check. Moreover, you should be aware that banks frequently adjust the amount on checks, so before visiting the bank, confirm that you have the full amount of the check in your account.

What distinguishes a certified check from a cash check?

In that they are both formal bank checks for which the bank guarantees the amount, certified checks and cash cheques have a lot in common. However there is a big distinction between the two.

Although the bank guarantees a certified check you write, when the recipient cashes or deposits it, money is still taken out of your account. Cash checks include an early withdrawal of funds from your account.

When you visit your bank to receive a check in cash, you purchase a check for the required sum from the bank. The bank writes the cheque, not you. The funds for a check come from the bank, not your checking account, when the recipient deposits it. The first $5,000 of the cash check’s total must show up in the recipient’s account within one business day after deposit, just like with certified checks.

A cash check is far more frequent than a certified check, and some individuals may consider it to be more reputable due to the fact that it is written by a bank as opposed to an individual.

Are there any alternatives to a certified check?

The benefit of certified checks is that the person who receives them is sure to get the money they expect. There are various ways to do the same thing:

  • Remittances
  • ACH transactions
  • Bank transfers
  • Money Transfer Applications

What are Checks and Balances?


Checks and balances are features in the US Constitution that ensure that no branch of government has complete authority.

What are Checks and Balances?

A system of checks and balances can be used in any organization, although it is most commonly used by governments. The creators (commonly known as the Founding Fathers) of the United States Constitution incorporated various checks and balances. To control each other, they spread power over three branches. These measures are intended to prevent any individual or branch from concentrating too much power. They aid in the prevention of corruption and the enforcement of government accountability. Each of the three parts of government (executive, legislative, and judicial) has certain powers within the system of checks and balances. Yet, in addition to these capabilities, each branch is overseen by the other two branches.

Impeachment is another crucial check on our system of checks and balances. It is one of the checks and balances provided by the Constitution to Congress. When the House of Representatives votes to impeach the president, but only the Senate may remove him or her from office, this unusual scenario shows a system of checks and balances that occurs only inside the legislative branch.

The working principles of checks and balances

The checks and balances system exists to allow each component of government to restrict the authority of the other branches. The creators designed the system in such a way that no branch would grow overly strong. They realized the danger and despotism that may emerge from the concentration of power in one hand and wished for the United States to escape such abuse by the government.

The United States government is divided into three branches. The Congress is made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate, which comprise the legislative branch. Congress is charged with several duties. They draft and enact legislation, make rules, and oversee federal spending and loans. They are also the only branch that is permitted to ratify treaties and approve expenses.

The President and the administration, which comprises several agencies, comprise the Executive branch. The Executive branch is in charge of enacting and executing legislation established by Congress. This branch is also in charge of the armed forces and has the authority to issue orders and appoint several federal officials.

Since the writing of the Constitution, the executive branch’s powers have grown dramatically. For example, the President’s powers are not defined in the Constitution as executive orders. Therefore, the president doesn’t have the authority to establish laws or allocate finances. Yet, it is the responsibility of the courts to guarantee that the President acts within the scope of his authority.

The Supreme Court and lesser courts compose the judiciary. This office’s mission is to interpret the laws established by Congress, apply them in court, and ensure that each act is in accordance with the Constitution. The Constitution delegated certain powers to several branches of government. He also discusses the means through which each branch might challenge the authority of other branches under the system of checks and balances.

Checks and balances: nowadays examples

The US Constitution has several checks and balances that allow distinct departments of government to limit the authority of other branches. Here are some of the current checks and balances:

  • The presidential bill may be rejected by Congress, and the President may veto it if it’s approved by Congress.
  • Several of the president’s powers are only exercised with the assent of the Senate (international treaties);
  • The Supreme Court has the authority to overturn both congressional laws and executive branch actions.

Checks and balances: pros & cons

James Madison argued in the Federalist Papers that you “must first let the government control the governed, and then make it control itself.” A system of checks and balances, according to Madison, guarantees that the government regulates itself.

After understanding the consequences of power concentration, the writers of the Constitution intended to ensure that no single individual or branch of government became unduly dominant. This is the most major advantage of the US checks and balances system.

For example, the separation of powers prohibits any president from acting as a tyrant. Bills can be passed by Congress, not the president. While the president has the authority to issue executive orders, the court has the authority to cancel them if they go beyond what the president has approved.

The most major benefit of checks and balances usually causes the most serious drawback. The United States government’s structure ensures that no individual or body of government may make decisions without the oversight of other branches. This lack, particularly in times of divided administration, can lead to a deadlock with little change. Major policy reforms may take years, if not decades.

But, there might be an issue in the opposite direction. When one political party controls all three arms of government, the system of checks and balances is unlikely to be as strong as it would otherwise be.

What is an Investing Company?


One of the key components of managing your wealth is an investing company.

What is an investing company?

Investing companies invest securities and pool your cash with that of other participants to meet the objectives outlined in the contract.

Different businesses utilize a variety of investment tools, including closed funds, open funds (mutual funds), exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and others.

Your investing objectives and level of risk tolerance will influence the fund that is best for you to invest in. Services are not provided for free; as well as other running expenses, you must pay fees for managing the fund. Working with an investing firm, however, enables you to benefit from expert management.

Investment companies’ objectives

These businesses make it possible to streamline the exchange of shares, bonds, mutual funds, corporations, and other assets. By making an investment in the business, you pool your finances with those of other investors. Profits and losses are divided among the invested funds proportionately.

Let’s assume that the investing firm pooled $100,000 from multiple distinct clients. In this instance, if your contribution was $10,000, your share would be 10% of any gains or losses the investment generated. The Securities and Exchange Commission oversees these businesses’ operations (SEC).

What kinds of businesses are involved in investments?

There are just three different sorts of investment businesses in the United States, despite the wide range of investment opportunities. Each investment firm is classified into one of the following categories by federal law:

  • Mutual funds (they are open companies)
  • Closed funds (same as closed companies)
  • Mutual funds (they are mutual funds).

Although each of them has a unique set of traits, they do have certain similarities. Thus, you can purchase redeemable shares of a mutual fund or mutual fund in open firms. You may sell your shares back to the fund or trust if you no longer want to own them since they are redeemable. They may also be redeemed from you by a broker working on behalf of a fund or trust.

True, you won’t always have the option to choose the sale price in this situation, and you’ll probably have to take a loss. The net asset value (NSA) of the investment business whose shares you hold is often what determines the sale price. You must first remove liabilities from assets before dividing by the total number of shares to determine net asset value. Mutual funds and mutual funds often compute the ARR after the exchange closes because this number fluctuates regularly.

Shares sold by closed-end funds are not redeemable, hence they are traded differently. If you own shares in a closed fund and wish to sell them, you must locate a different investor who is willing to purchase them on the secondary market, such as the stock exchange.

Why should you pick an investing company?

Although investing gives you the chance to grow your money, it may also result in their loss. You may use the assistance of an investment consultant to help you choose an investment firm, balancing risk and return. Yet, there is risk involved in any investment; no firm or financial advisor promises excellent returns or zero chance of losing money.

You are capable of managing your own portfolio. You will have a great deal of freedom to select the best investing plan for you as a result. Moreover, it may provide commission savings.

The concepts of investing, such as portfolio construction, risk tolerance, market cycles, and diverse asset classes, must also be well studied and understood. This is certainly conceivable, and someone could find it appealing, but it will take a lot more time than hiring a professional.

What is Expropriation?


Expropriation is the process in which the government takes someone’s private property for public use if it is in the best interest of society.

What is expropriation?

According to the doctrine called eminent domain, the government has the right to seize a person’s private property against his wishes if it can prove that it is in the public interest. However, under the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the government cannot transfer private property to public use without just compensation. For this reason, the government must pay owners when their property is taken by expropriation. The owner can take steps to challenge the seizure, but they may still end up losing their property. A common reason for expropriation is the development of infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and utilities.

Purposes of Expropriation

The primary purpose of expropriation is to enable the government to force the sale of private property when a legitimate public need arises. Federal, state, and local governments have the power of expropriation.

The most common use of expropriation by the government is for infrastructure development. Building roads, railroads, utilities, parks, schools, or public health buildings are the most common reasons for expropriation.

The government does not need the owner’s permission to proceed with expropriation, but they must pay for the property. The Fifth Amendment includes a clause which states that governments cannot take land for public use without just compensation. In most cases, “just compensation” is the fair market value of the property.

How does expropriation work?

When the government decides to appropriate someone else’s property, the first step is condemnation. In this part of the process, the government declares that the property has a legitimate public use and that they intend to acquire it. The government then arranges for an appraisal. As the Constitution requires the owner to be fairly compensated, an appraisal is required to determine fair market value.

After the appraisal, the government makes an offer to the property owner based on the appraised value. At this point, there may be room for negotiation. The property owner could accept the amount offered, or they could counter with a higher figure.

Regardless of the price the government offers, the property owner could sue to challenge the sale. They may do so because they don’t think the offer the government is making qualifies as fair compensation. It may also be that they do not believe there is a legitimate public benefit from expropriation.

Is it possible to challenge the expropriation of one’s property?

Individuals can contest the expropriation of their property, but the results of historical decisions have been mixed. In many of these cases, courts (including the U.S. Supreme Court) have upheld the government’s right to force the sale of private property for the public good.

A well-known case in Connecticut involved a controversial lawsuit that reached the Supreme Court. In 1998, a major pharmaceutical company announced plans to build a research center in New London, Connecticut, a town that was in economic decline. The area chosen for the facility was residential, meaning that people still lived there.

The town decided to use the government’s expropriation powers to force the sale of the land so that a pharmaceutical corporation could build its facility. Most of the homeowners agreed to the deal, but a small fraction did not.

They argued that the city’s use of eminent domain was inconsistent with its intended purpose, given that they were expropriating the property for sale to a private company, not for public use. The case went through the state trial court and the Connecticut Supreme Court before finally reaching the U.S. Supreme Court. The court ruled that because the facility would provide economic development for the town, there was a legitimate public benefit.

Direct VS. indirect expropriation

Expropriation can be classified as direct or indirect. Direct expropriation refers to cases in which the government takes property and transfers ownership to the current owner. It is the most common type of expropriation when the government forces the sale of private property for public use.

Indirect expropriation occurs when the government deprives homeowners of their ability to use the property without fully taking title to it. This is more common in indirect expropriation and can refer to an example where increased regulation prevents a foreign government or corporation from using its assets.

Consequences of expropriation

If the government has used its expropriation power to force the sale of your private property, you will have to move. Depending on the type of property, the consequences could be even greater than if it were just a single-family home.

Unfortunately, expropriation has huge consequences for the tenants of the building as well. Not only are they forced to move out of their home or apartment, but they receive no compensation from the government for their problems or moving expenses.