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History of Algorithmic Trading: When did algorithmic trading start?


Algorithmic trading, also known as algo trading, is revolutionizing the way financial markets operate. By utilizing advanced algorithms and automated systems, algorithmic trading enables traders to execute trades based on predefined rules and market conditions. In this article, we will delve into the history, development, and current state of algorithmic trading, highlighting its transformative impact on the world of trading.

Prerequisites for the development of algorithmic trading

Before automated algorithmic trading became popular, there were many developments in the financial markets that set the stage for its emergence. Here are some of the most important ones:

  • In 1949, the first rule-based fund was launched: American trader Richard Donchian launched Futures, Inc., a publicly traded commodity fund in the futures market. The fund was the first to use a set of predefined rules to generate actual trading signals. It used a mathematical system based on moving averages of commodity market prices. Since there was no internet yet, the developers had to manually chart the markets based on data from stock tickers. With his rule-based system, this could be considered an early attempt to automate trading.
  • Harry Max Markowitz introduced the Markowitz model in 1950: Markowitz introduced computational financial mathematics to solve the portfolio selection problem and this became the basis of modern portfolio theory or MPT, which was published in The Journal of Finance in 1952. Markowitz is known as the father of quantitative analysis.
  • The New York Stock Exchange’s transaction reporting system, Market Data System I (MDSI), was launched in 1965 to provide automated quotations. The success of MDS I led to the development of MDS-II, which was three times better than its predecessor.
  • Creation of the Instinet trading system in 1967: Jerome M. Pustilnik and Herbert R. Behrens created Instinet, the oldest electronic communication network on Wall Street, in 1967. The introduction of Instinet allowed large institutional investors to trade pink securities or OTC securities directly with each other electronically.
  •  Formation of Nasdaq: Nasdaq was established in 1971 for fully automated trading in over-the-counter (OTC) securities. Initially offering only quotes, Nasdaq later began providing electronic trading, making it the first to offer online trading.

Early forms of Algorithmic Trading

Early forms of algorithmic trading in the 1970s and 1980s:

The inception of algorithmic trading can be traced back to the introduction of electronic exchanges. Prior to this, trading occurred in bustling trading rooms where traders executed trades manually. The advent of electronic exchanges brought about increased speed, efficiency, and accessibility to a wider audience.

One of the pioneering algorithmic trading strategies was developed by Robert Merton in 1971. Merton’s strategy involved dynamic hedging, which entailed adjusting a portfolio of option contracts in response to market changes. This innovative approach was one of the earliest examples of utilizing mathematical models for trading decisions.

The rise of program trading in the 1980s:

During the 1980s, program trading gained significant traction among institutional investors. Program trading involved the use of pre-programmed instructions to execute trades automatically. This approach provided benefits such as increased efficiency and reduced human error. However, program trading also raised concerns about its potential impact on market volatility.

Introduction of electronic exchanges and order matching systems:

The introduction of electronic exchanges paved the way for greater automation in trading. These exchanges enabled traders to execute trades electronically, eliminating the need for manual intervention. Additionally, order matching systems efficiently matched buy and sell orders, enhancing the overall trading process.

Development of algorithmic trading

Algorithmic trading became more popular in the following decades as computing power increased and new trading strategies were developed. In the 1980s, statistical arbitrage trading became a popular strategy, which was to exploit pricing inefficiencies in the market by identifying pricing inefficiencies between related securities.

Algorithmic trading became more common in the 1990s with the advent of direct market access (DMA), allowing traders to connect directly to the market and execute trades in real time. This technology has enabled traders to execute trades faster than ever before, leading to the development of high frequency trading (HFT).Over time, several algorithmic trading techniques have evolved, such as:

  • Trend following – This method involves identifying trends in the market and buying or selling assets accordingly. It is based on the idea that prices usually move in trends and traders can profit by following these trends.
  • Statistical Arbitrage Trading – This method involves exploiting pricing inefficiencies in the market by identifying price discrepancies between related securities. For example, if two stocks are highly correlated but one trades at a lower price, a trader might buy the cheaper stock and short the more expensive one.
  • Return to Average – This method involves identifying assets that have deviated from their historical average prices and betting that they will eventually return to their average price. For example, if a stock trades well below its historical average price, a trader might buy that stock with the expectation that it will eventually rise to its average.
  • High-frequency trading – This method involves using advanced algorithms and high-speed connections to execute trades within a few microseconds. Traders using high-frequency trading rely on speed and accuracy to profit from small differences in the price in the market.

Development of High-Frequency Trading (HFT)

Emergence of HFT in the 1990s and 2000s:

High-Frequency Trading (HFT) emerged as a prominent form of algorithmic trading in the 1990s and 2000s. HFT involves executing trades at ultra-fast speeds, leveraging complex algorithms and advanced technology. HFT firms profit by capitalizing on small differences in market prices, often holding positions for just seconds or even milliseconds.

Use of complex algorithms and advanced technology:

HFT relies on sophisticated algorithms and cutting-edge technology to analyze market data, identify patterns, and execute trades with exceptional speed and precision. This approach enables traders to exploit fleeting market opportunities and capture small price differentials.

Growth in HFT and its impact on financial markets:

HFT has experienced significant growth over the years, with the industry valued at over $5 billion by 2020. Its proliferation has brought liquidity to markets, increased trading volumes, and narrowed bid-ask spreads. However, HFT has also faced criticism for potentially exacerbating market imbalances and contributing to volatility, as exemplified by the 2010 “Flash Crash.”

Algorithmic Trading Today

Widespread use of algorithmic trading across different asset classes:

Algorithmic trading has expanded beyond equities and is now prevalent across various asset classes, including derivatives, commodities, and forex markets. Its widespread adoption is fueled by the potential for enhanced efficiency, reduced costs, and increased trading opportunities.

Integration of machine learning and artificial intelligence in trading algorithms:

The integration of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) has further enhanced algorithmic trading strategies. By leveraging vast amounts of data, machine learning algorithms can identify patterns, predict market movements, and adapt trading strategies accordingly. AI-powered algorithms have the potential to unlock new opportunities and improve trading performance.

Increasing demand for algorithmic trading platforms like

As algorithmic trading gains prominence, there is a growing demand for reliable and sophisticated trading platforms. Platforms like provide traders with essential tools and features to facilitate algorithmic trading:

Live market data and individualized watchlists:

  • Algorithmic traders rely on real-time market data to make informed trading decisions. Platforms like offer live market data feeds, enabling traders to monitor multiple assets simultaneously. Additionally, individualized watchlists allow traders to track specific securities or instruments of interest, providing a comprehensive overview of the market.

Latest news and leading indicators:

  • Staying updated with relevant news and market indicators is crucial for algorithmic traders. incorporates the latest news sources and economic indicators directly into the platform, ensuring traders have access to relevant information that may impact their trading strategies.

Trading with cryptocurrencies and customizable chart types:

  • The rise of cryptocurrencies has created new trading opportunities. Algorithmic trading platforms like support cryptocurrency trading, allowing traders to access digital asset markets and implement their strategies. Moreover, customizable chart types provide traders with visual representations of market trends, patterns, and technical indicators, aiding in decision-making.

Automated verification and onboarding with built-in KYC and risk management tools:

  • Efficient onboarding processes and robust risk management are crucial for algorithmic trading. streamlines the verification and onboarding process through automated procedures. Additionally, it integrates Know Your Customer (KYC) protocols and risk management tools to ensure compliance and mitigate potential risks associated with trading activities.

Limitless customization capabilities for personalized trading workspace:

  • Every trader has unique preferences and requirements. offers limitless customization capabilities, allowing traders to personalize their trading workspace. From arranging windows and layouts to customizing indicators and trading tools, traders can tailor the platform to suit their specific trading style and preferences.

In conclusion, algorithmic trading has undergone significant evolution, from its early forms in the 1970s to the rise of high-frequency trading and its current widespread adoption across various asset classes. With the integration of advanced technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence, algorithmic trading continues to transform financial markets. Platforms like provide essential features and benefits to algorithmic traders, empowering them with real-time data, news, customizable tools, and efficient onboarding processes. As the industry progresses, algorithmic trading platforms will play a crucial role in facilitating traders’ success by providing the necessary tools and infrastructure for executing sophisticated trading strategies.

Who Uses Algorithmic Trading and How Do They Benefit?

A form of trading method known as algorithmic trading uses automated systems with pre-programmed rules to carry out trades. As technology develops and traders look to maximize their techniques and reduce risk, this style of trading is growing in popularity. Numerous advantages of algorithmic trading include speed, effectiveness, reduced transaction costs, lowered risk, diversity, and reduced human error. We will look at who employs algorithmic trading in this post and how they profit from it.

Types of Algorithmic Traders

Hedge funds and institutional investors

Algorithmic trading is used by hedge funds and other institutional investors to adopt sophisticated strategies that aim to produce higher risk-adjusted returns. Advanced order types are used by these investors to access liquidity and carry out trades fast and effectively. Through their broad networks or by using complex algorithms that examine vast amounts of data, they frequently have access to information before it is made available to the general public.

In the financial sector, algorithmic trading has grown in popularity, especially among hedge funds and institutional investors. These investors conduct trades using algorithms based on pre-established rules and methods. 

Proprietary trading firms

Prop trading firms, also referred to as proprietary trading firms, are distinct from conventional investment banks or brokerages in that they do not have their clients’ money available for investment. Instead, they make deals they think will be beneficial using their own money. 

Teams of seasoned traders and engineers typically make up proprietary trading firms, and they collaborate to create trading techniques and algorithms. These companies frequently have a high tolerance for risk and can generate substantial returns on their investments. The hazards can, however, be high because they are utilizing their own money. Such markets or asset classes as equities, futures, or foreign exchange are the focus of many proprietary trading companies. Aside from general trading, they might concentrate on high-frequency trading or quantitative trading. 

Overall, because they add liquidity and aid in price discovery, proprietary trading businesses are crucial to the functioning of the financial markets. Talented traders and engineers can operate in a fast-paced, fiercely competitive environment thanks to the opportunities they provide.

Companies known as proprietary trading firms deal in commodities, securities, and other financial products for their own accounts. They use algorithmic trading to profit on market imperfections and make use of high-frequency trading strategies, giving them an edge over other market participants.

Retail traders and individual investors

Algorithmic trading helps retail traders and individual investors compete on an equal footing with institutional investors. To maximize their trades, they frequently employ techniques like grid trading, mean reversion, and momentum trading. Automating trades with algorithmic trading software lowers the risk of human mistake and enables speedy and effective trade execution for many retail traders and individual investors.

Advantages of Algorithmic Trading

Speed and Efficiency

The purpose of algorithmic trading is to minimize the lag time between placing an order and having it executed. The employment of computer programs that can quickly process enormous amounts of data allows for this speed.

These computer programs examine market data and make trading judgments based on established criteria using sophisticated mathematical algorithms and machine learning techniques. This makes it possible for algorithmic traders to profit from market opportunities that can last for just a few nanoseconds.

Faster execution of trades

Algorithmic trading systems can execute trades faster than human traders, allowing for faster reaction to market events and greater accuracy in market analysis.

Minimizing slippage and improving execution prices

The danger of slippage, which happens when a trader enters an order but it is executed at a less-than-ideal price, is decreased by algorithmic trading. Algorithmic trading systems can execute orders at a particular price or better by automating trades, reducing the risk of slippage.

Reduced Human Error

Automating trading decisions and strategies

By automating trading decisions and methods, algorithmic trading reduces the possibility of human error. This lowers the chance of trading under the influence of biases or emotions, which are common mistakes made by human traders.

Removing emotions from the trading process

Emotions like fear and greed can cause irrational trading decisions, which have less-than-ideal results. By removing emotions from the trading process, algorithmic trading enables traders to make defensible decisions based on information and market conditions.

Diversification and Risk Management

Access to multiple markets and asset classes

Compared to conventional trading techniques, algorithmic trading strategies give traders access to a wider choice of opportunities because they may be used on numerous markets and asset classes.

Implementing advanced risk management techniques

Advanced risk management strategies, such stop-loss orders, can be used by algorithmic trading systems to reduce downside risk and safeguard against unexpected market fluctuations.

GridCapital for Algorithmic trading 

For algorithmic traders, Gridcap is a trading platform that offers real-time market data and technical indicators for many different asset classes. The platform is an excellent choice for people who trade in digital assets because it includes embedded wallets for cryptocurrency trading.

Stocks, futures, FX, and cryptocurrency are just a few of the diverse asset classes that are supported by Gridcap for trading. By doing this, traders can diversify their holdings and seize chances in several markets. 

Trading decisions can be based on the most recent market conditions according to Gridcap’s real-time market data and technical indicators. When making trading judgments, this knowledge is essential, and it can also aid traders in maximizing their tactics.

The inbuilt wallets offered by Gridcap make it simple for users to trade cryptocurrencies without switching between different platforms. Particularly for traders who are new to the bitcoin market, this function is advantageous.

How Different Market Participants Benefit from Algorithmic Trading

Hedge Funds and Institutional Investors

By employing sophisticated tactics that aim to provide higher risk-adjusted returns, hedge funds and institutional investors profit from algorithmic trading. They have an edge over other market participants because they can obtain liquidity through sophisticated order types and carry out trades swiftly and effectively.

Proprietary Trading Firms

Using high-frequency trading strategies and quickly capitalizing on market inefficiencies, proprietary trading companies profit from algorithmic trading. They are able to profit swiftly and effectively as a result, providing them an edge over other market players.

Retail Traders and Individual Investors

By leveling the playing field with institutional investors, algorithmic trading benefits retail traders and individual investors. They are able to automate their trades and apply sophisticated trading methods, lowering the risk of human mistake and obtaining better execution pricing.

GridCapital’s Customization and User Experience

A customised trading workspace with resizable panels and menus for various instruments and trading techniques is provided by Gridcap’s user interface, which was created with traders in mind. The platform can be altered to meet the requirements of specific traders, and light and dark mode options are provided.

Variety of menus for different instruments and trading strategies

Gridcap includes a variety of menus for different instruments and trading strategies, making it easy for traders to find the information they need quickly and efficiently.

Algorithmic Trading Education and Support

Gridcap is committed to educating and supporting its users in their algorithmic trading endeavors. The platform offers learning resources and community support for traders of all experience levels, helping them to grow and improve their trading skills.